Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mmmm. Yummy!

So. I shared my Menu Plan with you all on Monday. There's been no meat included in our meals thus far. Tonight's dinner? Cheese Crisps (Quesadillas) with homemade Pinto beans (soaked them for several hours, added garlic and salt - then simmered it for an hour and a half), and corn with red bell peppers. We also had Sour Cream and Salsa. Very festive. And it was a hit!! =)

I know I said we won't be going out to eat again for a long while. BUT... my parents are leaving for New York for 2 weeks - so I wanted them to see the kids before they left. So we made plans for Saturday. We will keep it cheap though!

I can't remember if I mentioned or not - but we are moving in mid-October back to the other side of town (we are currently 25 miles from our family and jobs). This is going to be a great move for us. We need to declutter, have a garage sale, and get organized. We've packed a total of 3 boxes so far. :( lol... We need to get it done!

Alex's birthday is on Halloween, so I need to start planning that as well.

It's going to be crazy few months.

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